Jewelry Care

For all of our jewelry, we always ask that you remove your pieces before sleeping, showering, or swimming, in order to prolong the beauty and integrity of your jewelry.

Wooden Jewelry Care

Caring for wooden jewelry is easy! While the wood is sealed with a poly finish, avoid getting your jewelry wet or exposing to humid environments for long periods of time (don't store your jewelry in the bathroom!). If it gets wet, simply dry it as quickly as possible.

Acrylic Jewelry Care

Caring for acrylic jewelry is also easy! While it will withstand more moisture than wooden jewelry will, it is still advised to avoid fully submerging it in water for longer than a moment while cleaning, as this can damage the paint inlays. To clean, simply wet a cloth or paper towel with a drop of dishsoap, wring it out until it's just barely damp, and gently run the cloth over both surfaces, rinse with cool water, and dry immediately.